(due March 10, 2025) Print form
Workshop Fees (choose an option) ▢ Under employed rate ($700) ▢ Fully employed rate ($1000)
Camera Option (choose an option) ▢ I will bring my own camera (encouraged) ▢ I will share a rental camera with another participant (+$50) ▢ I will rent a camera just for me (+$100) ▢ I'm not sure yet...
▢ Submit or provide URLs to film, video, photography or other artistic works of yours (at least one) to support your application.
▢ Include a short statement about your work(s).
▢ Include a short statement of interest telling me why you want to attend this workshop.
▢ I could provide transportation for other participants from Toronto.
▢ I could provide transportation for other participants from elsewhere. (from where? __________________ )
▢ I am interested in accommodation.
Accommodation types (choose an option) ▢ Bed and Breakfast or Motel ▢ Small Cabin (on property) ▢ Camping (on property) ▢ I'm not sure yet...
Mail this form and support material to: Film Farm 2025 c/o Phil Hoffman, Rural Route #4, Mount Forest, ON N0G 2L0 Canada Questions? Please contact me: hoffmanphilm@gmail.com or deirdrelogue@gmail.com
Not sure about something? Please contact us: Phil and Deirdre.